Installing the compiler

The basic guide to installing CaffeineC on your system

Automatic installation script

Linux / MacOS /Android (Termux)

For MacOS and most Linux distributions, a simple bash installation script can be used.

If you are on MacOS, make sure that you have Homebrew isntalled.

If you are on Linux, any system using one of these package managers, should be supported

  • apt

  • yum

  • zypper

  • pacman

To isntall the CaffeineC compiler, run the following command (without sudo):

curl | bash


For Windows it should be enough to run this command in a powershell window

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Manual installation


Head over to the download page for the latest release of CaffeineC:

And download the executable file named CaffeineC-macOS-arm64 for Apple Silicon based devices or CaffeineC-macOS-amd64 for Intel based devices.

Move the file to some place on you drive and optionally add the path to the PATH environment variable.


Head over to the download page for the latest release of CaffeineC:

And download the executable file named CaffeineC-Linux-amd64 for x86 devices or CaffeineC-Linux-arm64 for ARM devices.

Move the file to some place on you drive and optionally add the path to the PATH environment variable.

Android (Termux

Head over to the download page for the latest release of CaffeineC:

And download the executable file named CaffeineC-Android-amd64 for x86 devices or CaffeineC-Android-arm64 for ARM devices.

Move the file to some place on you drive and optionally add the path to the PATH environment variable.


Head over to the download page for the latest release of CaffeineC:

And download the executable file named CaffeineC-Windows-amd64.exe for x86 devices or CaffeineC-Windows-arm64.exe for windows on arm.

Move the file to some place on you drive and optionally add the path to the PATH environment variable.

Last updated

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